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10 Ways to Make Mahjong More Exciting and Captivating

Playing mahjong online can be as relaxing or as exciting as you want it to be. It's the perfect game for when you want to relax and take your mind off everything else. But it's also ideal if you want a game that will get you smiling and maybe even make your heart race. The online game of mahjong solitaire might be pretty different from the traditional multiplayer game. It's designed to be played alone and it's all about matching tiles. And yet it's still a game of strategy that requires you to use your brain to finish the game and get the results you want.

No two games of mahjong are ever the same. Even when you're playing with the same setup, you can find that you get a very different experience. But even then, you can find yourself looking for ways to enhance your game and maybe get a little more from it. There are so many ways to get something new from a game of mahjong every time you play. Take a look at some of these fun ideas if you want to shake things up and make all of your games as exciting and captivating as the last.

1. Try Out Different Layouts

One of the simplest ways to make every game of mahjong a little different is to look at various layouts. There are obviously lots of methods for laying out a large number of tiles, but you'll find a range of standard layouts in mahjong solitaire. You can look at some of these traditional layouts as playing options or try out some slightly more modern ways to lay out the tiles. Here are some of the common layouts you might see when you're looking for mahjong games online.

Classic "turtle" mahjong

This classic layout is the one you will see most often. It's often called the turtle formation and gives you lots of free tiles to get started with. This means that you immediately have plenty of strategies you can try. The layout has longer lines at the top, bottom and middle, with tiles built up largely in the middle to leave the player with a variety of options to start matching the exposed free tiles.

Pyramid mahjong

Just like the name suggests, this layout takes the form of a pyramid. Of course, from above, it looks a little more like a diamond. The pyramid layout is a fun challenge that can push you to think a bit harder than the classic version. Our variations on this include "two peak" and "three peak" layouts that have multiple pyramids to work your way through.

Snake mahjong

Snake mahjong is great for beginners, offering an easier layout. If you're feeling frustrated with harder layouts or you just want something relaxing to help you practice, this one is a great choice. There are three sections, so you can start where you want and get matching right away.

You'll find a huge selection of other mahjong layouts that offer you varying levels of difficulty. Try out some different options to see which ones give you more of a challenge. Some layouts are definitely more suited to intermediate or experienced players, so it's worth pushing yourself to try some harder options.

2. Play with a Variety of Design Themes

The designs that online mahjong games are themed around don't really affect the way that the game is played. But that doesn't mean they have no effect on how fun they are to play. You're still using the same strategies, but you get the benefit of different tiles, background designs and even music to make the game more immersive. You can discover all sorts of themes that make playing mahjong super fun.

Seasonal games

One of the ways 247 Mahjong gives you the chance to play a little differently is with our seasonal games. These are themed around seasons and holidays, making them perfect for playing throughout the year.

Some of our seasonal games include:

  • Christmas Mahjong
  • Cinco de Mayo Mahjong
  • Easter Mahjong
  • Halloween Mahjong
  • Summer Mahjong
  • Winter Mahjong
  • And much more!

Our seasonal mahjong games also feature some exclusive layouts for various seasons and holidays. Try out the ice skate or sled layouts with our winter games or fall in love with our heart and bouquet layouts for Valentine's Day. All of the seasonal games have unique tile designs, including the usual special designs for seasonal and flower tiles, which can be matched together too.

3. Race Against the Clock

Sometimes you want to take your time with a game of mahjong. It doesn't matter how long it takes you because you want to be free to think about what you're doing. But not every game has to be slow and meandering. Challenging yourself to race against the clock can make any game a whole lot more exciting.

There are some mahjong games that give you a countdown timer. This means you have a set amount of time to finish the game and then you're stopped, whether you're finished or not. However, this type of timed game isn't for everyone. It can be pretty frustrating if the clock runs down and you haven't finished yet. Of course, for some people this is part of the fun. But if you would rather push yourself to be faster without facing a time limit, you might prefer it if your clock counts up instead of down.

Our mahjong games will time you, but the clock records your time instead of giving you a time limit. This means you can still race against the clock to see how quickly you can finish but you're not faced with a time limit. And you can compete against yourself to try and beat your record too. We'll let you know if you've beaten your personal best.

4. Take Your Mahjong Games on the Move

The excellent thing about online mahjong is that you can play it anywhere and everywhere. You don't need to get other players together and you don't have to carry actual tiles around with you. You can just play it on any device you want, whether you've got a spare few minutes to kill or you have time to really dive into a game or two.

There are two ways you might play mahjong on your phone or other devices. One option is to simply visit your usual website where you play. Many of these online games are responsive and designed to work well on a range of browsers and devices. However, for a better experience, it can be even better to download an app that lets you play on a platform designed for your device. You'll love having mahjong in your pocket, available for you to play anytime you want to.

As well as mobile games, you can find that online mahjong games are available on several devices and platforms. You can even get mahjong on some gaming consoles, so you can play it using your favorite. Of course, the best kind of mahjong is a free game. So make sure you check what options you can play for free before you download anything that you might need to pay for. Free games usually come with ads, but they're not normally particularly obtrusive and don't get in the way of your game. In fact, they can have far fewer ads than other online and mobile games.

5. Play with Someone Else

Mahjong solitaire is traditionally a single-player game, and that's part of the fun of it. You can play it without needing any players whenever you want to. But if you want to mix things up a little, you could get other people involved. One way to do this is to play a single game together. You can sit together and work on solving the puzzle by putting two brains to work instead of just one. It's fun to play collaboratively and to see whether two minds are a help or a hindrance. It's also an excellent way to introduce someone to the game and show them how to play before they go and play on their own.

You could play with someone else by taking turns. You have the option of collaborating and strategizing together but you can also make it more of a challenge by not communicating what your next moves will be.

Another possibility is to make it more of a competition. You can each have your own game and race each other to see who can complete their puzzle first. You could play at the same time or take turns and see who can get the best time. Of course, you won't get the exact same tile layout, but that's part of the fun. If you play the same game, the difficulty level should remain the same. If you really want to step it up, you could involve multiple people or keep competing over time. Create your own high-score league table and see who can stay on top.

6. Get Nerdy About Strategy

Mahjong can just be a game where you randomly match up tiles as you spot the pairs. It's a strategy, or a lack of one, that will most often work on the easiest tile layouts. And if you just want an easy and relaxing game, it's the best way to do it. But if you're looking to really challenge your mind, you probably want to take a more deliberate approach to the way you play the game.

This is where actual strategizing can come in. Mahjong doesn't have to be a game of strategy as such, but it can hugely improve the game if you want to put a little more thought into your next move. Planning ahead and really thinking about what you're doing could get you some pretty interesting results. At first, maybe it will slow down your game. But as you start applying different strategies more, you can find that it actually helps you complete the puzzles faster.

One simple approach is to keep in mind that when you're matching a pair, you want it to open up new tiles that you will also be able to match. This makes it worth thinking a step or two ahead and planning what you're going to do next instead of blindly clicking on the first matching pair that you see. Work out what will happen next when you match a pair and whether it's going to reveal any more matches. This will help prevent you from running out of moves and having to shuffle your tiles or end the game. Of course, if you can only see one matching pair, that's the one you have to go for. But if there are multiple options, take some time to consider which one, if any, could be the best choice.

Another thing to keep in mind is that it's useful to deal with the top layers first. Once they're out of the way, it will reveal the tiles underneath so you have more options for matching. You won't always be able to clear them all first, but you can often remove the majority of them before you start really focusing on the lower layers of tiles.

7. Experiment with Getting Out of Sticky Situations

It's not uncommon to reach a point in your game where there's no solution. There are no more matches left, which means you can't continue. One option, and most likely the easiest one, is to shuffle the tiles so you can keep going. But for some people, this can be a bit too easy. If you want more of a challenge, another way to approach this situation is to undo your previous moves. By going back a few steps, you can work out where you want wrong and go in a new direction.

This can be a fantastic challenge to face because you have to figure out where it all went wrong. Going back just one or two moves might not be enough. You might need to reverse what you've done by several moves and try to work out where you should have made a different choice. This is another great way to put your strategy skills to use and take the time to consider what you should do when you have multiple pairs that you can match. Think about which matches are going to give you more options for the rest of the game and which ones are going to back you into a corner.

8. Practice Offline

Mahjong solitaire has become a super popular game online. But playing online isn't the only option. Although online games give you a quick and easy way to play, sometimes it can be fun to practice offline too. With a set of mahjong tiles, you can set up your own game in whatever layout you like. It can be a good way to get a break from screens and practice in a slightly different way. When you return to your online game, your skills could be improved. Being able to touch and move the tiles yourself can give you a new perspective on the best strategies and tactics to use.

If you don't have mahjong tiles, you can also play a game with cards. A pack of cards can be used in a similar way. Matching up the cards in the same way you match up mahjong tiles basically gives you the same game. However, it's better if you can get hold of some tiles if you really want to have the full experience that's closer to playing online.

9. Teach the Next Generation

Playing mahjong with someone else can make it more fun, but what can be even better is playing with your children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews. Passing on the fun of mahjong to the younger generation could help you find even more fun in it. Because it's a relatively simple game, with a concept that's easy to understand, you can teach children of pretty much any age how to play it. If you're looking for something you can do together, especially on a rainy day, teaching them how to play mahjong could be the start of something that you share. And you never know if they might develop a passion for it and want to continue playing it even when you're not around.

10. Take a Break

Are you feeling a little disenchanted with mahjong? It might seem strange when there are so many options for playing it, but everything can become tiring if you do it often enough. If mahjong has become a bit old hat for you, it doesn't mean you have to stop playing forever. In fact, taking a break can really help to make it much more exciting when you come back and start playing again. You'll have time to do some other things, and maybe try out some different games, before you return to mahjong with a renewed passion for it.

There are so many ways you can shake up your mahjong solitaire game. If you want to make it more exciting or make sure it holds your attention, explore different methods and strategies for playing.


DISCLAIMER: The games on this website are using PLAY (fake) money. No payouts will be awarded, there are no "winnings", as all games represented by 247 Games LLC are free to play. Play strictly for fun.