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Tree Mahjong

The trees are slowly getting their beautiful green leaves and the world is starting to become alive again with flowers and green grass, so celebrate this amazing time of year with Spring Tree Mahjong!!

Mahjong Solitaire is played by picking open mahjong tiles that are matches. Click on these tiles two by two. Eliminate all these mahjong tiles and you are victorious. Challenge friends to beat your best time, or just explore the site to enjoy all the other Spring Mahjong boards we have to offer.

Seasonal and flower tiles are fun tiles which can be matched to any of the mahjong tiles in their set. Look for the upper cornered numbers to aid you in these selections. Keep coming back for more games and make sure you tell your friends about Spring Mahjong.com!


DISCLAIMER: The games on this website are using PLAY (fake) money. No payouts will be awarded, there are no "winnings", as all games represented by 247 Games LLC are free to play. Play strictly for fun.

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